Saturday, 23 November 2019

Funtime Lunch Time - Yay!

The Year five and six children have always been in charge of organising this exciting event in November and they have to plan and prepare their chosen activity beforehand. On the day of this special event, they are in charge of putting everything up, running the whole activity and then afterwards its their responsibility to pack everything away and to add up all their profits. Whew!! That's a lot for our Year twos to look forward to!

There were so many stalls selling sweet treats and lots of tables for getting lovely face painting done. In addition, there were many games and activities where one could win prizes or just have a go at it. Heaps of fun!!


The junior cross country is always a special event on our calendar and it draws crowds of proud mums, dads, grandparents and friends who come along to cheer for their amazing children. The children had been practising some long distance running a few weeks prior and by now they were fit and ready for the challenge of this race.

Year two children have to run twice around the field and the first ten children get to run once again in the finals race. We were extremely proud of the children in our class - so many of them featured in the finals! The boys in the finals from Room 5 were Mason, Eugene, Harvey, Agam and Collin. The girls were Yiran, Tia, Victoria, Nicole and Bella. 

Yiran and Mason were the Year two cross country winners and Eugene came third and Harvey forth. Victoria came third, Tia fourth, Bella fifth. Congratulations to the wonderful winners, the finalists and everyone who participated. You were all superstars!!                                                                              

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Amazing, Fascinating Auckland Zoo

Sunshine, mammals, reptiles, birds, nature, friends, wonderful parent helpers, zoo keepers, walks and talks... you've guessed it!! We had a fantastic, fascinating visit around Auckland Zoo! The large variety of animals in their various enclosures captivated our attention and we tried to cross off as many as we could. We did lots of walking and also listened intently to the zoo keeper who gave us information about giraffes, then meerkats and also about the spider monkeys. What a special day!