Wednesday, 21 February 2024

STEM Learning

Mr Rankin totally enthralled us with his wonderful robotics skills. He is so good at programming the robots in his STEM room and they respond to all his instructions! We were so busy coding our own Lego creations and automating them that the day just flew!

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Enviro Skills Day

This was an explanation from Mrs Hilder - During the first block we EXPLORED! The children used magnifying glasses to look at the different objects around the room, we discussed what they noticed and then they had to sort them into different groups. After that we spent time outside exploring around the school on a garden scavenger hunt. In the middle block we had HANDS ON experiences. We learnt what seeds need to grow, how to care for seeds and soon to be plants and why they are so important. We then learnt about seeds and planted our own rocket, eggplant and chrysanthemum seeds. We watered our seeds so they were just damp and put them in the sun until home time. In the last block we REFLECTED on our learning for the day. We recapped the steps we took to plant our seeds, played some games and then discussed how to care for our seed and when to plant them at home.
We thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful day of exploring, discovering and learning about plants and the environment. Thank you, Mrs Hilder, for such an exciting day and for the seeds that we hope will grow in our egg containers soon.