Friday 3 July 2020

Whacky Hair and Hat Day

WOW!! What outstanding, exquisite, original, eye-catching creations adorned the children today!! Our parents are so clever and are to be applauded for the huge effort they went to! Just look at all these gorgeous hairstyles and head turning hats -

Thursday 2 July 2020

Easter Egg Hunting We Will Go!

Some of the children enjoyed getting out into the Hive to meet the Easter Bunny who came out especially to visit PVS. Poor Easter Bunny was in lockdown over Easter so he wasn't able to get all the easter eggs delivered. Everyone searched high and low for hidden slips of paper which they exchanged for a prized easter egg. Lots of fun for all!

Our Fantastic STEM Day with Mr Rankin

We totally enjoyed an amazing day of learning with Mr Rankin today. We had a number of Lego challenges to do and worked together with a partner to get these done. Our final challenge was to programme a robot and it was able to move, change direction, make sounds and even shine light through its eyes! It was wonderful have parents to support us and they were particularly amazed at what we were able to do! Our thanks to Hayley's mum, James' mum, Jayden's mum, Oria's dad, Shivansh's grandad, Harper's mum and her grandad for being there to help out!! 

We enjoyed having an ice-block as we worked - yummy! Such a perfect last day of term!