Wednesday 30 May 2018

Visiting our Local Buddhist Temple

The Buddhist Temple written by Carol Liu

The trip was exciting yesterday and we made pink lotus flowers.  There were some friendly people showing us the way.  A Chinese woman showed us the mondo grass. We had lovely Chinese tattoos on our hands.  We had cookies for morning tea.  We bathed the Buddha and said the three good deeds.  We saw some more friendly people and we also had a police talk.  Armani dressed up like a policeman and he played with a ball.  Some women gave us a golden bell and we said the magic words and then we blew the golden fan on top.  We talked about the three Gs and the four Gs.  

I loved the beautiful gardens around us. We watched a video and put the fake flowers into a tiny hole. I want to go there again! There was a shiny bell but I did not make a wish and ring the bell. Many large buildings were surrounding us and there was a room with a fake white horse inside it.  Such colourful flowers were everywhere.  It was so much fun and very exciting! I love the Buddhist Temple.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Our Goldfish

 Daemon 22/05   Our New Goldfish

The new goldfish are so shiny and speedy
that they are making me dizzy.  Room 5
got the fish on Thursday and their names
are Goldie and Flash. They are so good
and Flash goes so fast!  I see him swim
like lightning and he has  white on his tail.
Both of the fish are orange and the fish
like their home.

I don’t know if they are girls or boys and  
I think Goldie is a boy because I am a

Jake 22/05 Our New Goldfish

Goldfish have scales on their sides to breathe.
They open their mouths when they are swimming.
Goldfish like swimming around.

In Room 5 we have two goldfish. Their names are Goldie and
Flash. Goldie is bigger and slower, Flash is smaller and quick
in the water. Goldfish like eating fish food.

22/05 Jesse Our Sweet And Magnificent Goldfish
Finally! Mrs Shewring has brought two goldfish into room 5.  
We had a name voting and some people got to say a name for
our goldfish. I chose Goldie and so their names are Goldie and
Flash. Melissa feeds the fish every morning and I love our
goldfish! We do not know if they are a boy or a girl.  They are so
lucky to have a nice tank! It looks like the sea.

I am happy because we have two goldfish in our class and their names are Goldie and Flash. Melissa feeds them in the morning. They are orange and Flash is the fastest. He is quicker than Goldie.  In the tank there is a water snail and some water weeds. The goldfish like to play hide and seek. At the back of the tank there is a picture. I like these new goldfish!

Guess what we got last Thursday? We got two cute goldfish! Their names are Goldie and Flash. Goldie is the big goldfish and Flash is the little one. He is a fast swimmer but Goldie is a little bit slow. Then little Flash flashes his tail. His gills, mouth, yes, scales and fins are shining like orange firecrackers and his eyes are like little black balls. Goldie likes swimming, I guess. I think Flash likes eating goldfish food. Goldie's eyes are just the same. I love our new goldfish!

In Room 5 two amazing creatures appeared! Their names are Goldie and Flash. The big one is called Goldie and the smaller one is called Flash. In their tank there is a filter and a water-snail and a diving helmet. I like our goldfish.

We have new goldfish. One is named Goldie and the other one is Flash. They love playing together. They have half way circles on their bodies. They make bubbles and they have big eyes. Flash swims fast. They are good friends. Flash is little and Goldie is big. There is a water snail in the tank. It is a square tank and I like the fish.

Blake       Our New Goldfish        

In Room 5 we have two beautiful orange goldfish in our
classroom. They are in their fish tank and they have a scuba
helmet in their fish tank to hide in.  There are plastic plants
and there’s a water snail in the tank to help clean the scuba
helmet. We can see two brightly coloured goldfish chasing
each other around the fish tank.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day

We enjoyed making special cards for our beloved mums and were keen to treat them to a happy day in whichever way we could. Happy Mother's Day to all our marvellous mums!

Thursday 3 May 2018

Our Garden Treasures

We collected some special treasures from our gardens and shared these with a partner who had to guess which one we were talking about. We then put our Scientist "glasses" on and looked extra carefully at one of our natural items and as we did that we wrote descriptions about our close observations. Then we read our description to a different buddy who had to write what they thought it was. We did an amazing job!

Anna's Trip to the South Island

Anna is having a wonderful holiday in the South Island. She sent us a letter and some fabulous photos. Thanks, Anna. We are missing you.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Our Assembly Item

On the last day of Term 2 we enjoyed going up on stage to show our crocodile art pieces. Anna introduced our work and then Daemon and Carol read the information reports that they had written.