Sunday 28 June 2020

Kelly Sports - Fourth lesson

Today was our last session with Coach Cameron. We focused on running and skipping and our first game involved running to four coloured stations.  Then we got into a large circle and each child had to remember the name of a fruit they were given.  When Coach Cameron called the name of that fruit the students had to run around the circle and back to their station.  We did the same game with skipping as well.  Then we played a game called Rats and Rabbits.  There was a line of rats and a line of rabbits.  When Coach Cameron called out one of these, the students had to try and tag a child before they reached the line. We learned that it is important to use our arms when we are running or skipping.  We also learned that when we skip it is a step and hop action.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Amazing Astrophysicists At School!

We were so fortunate in having JJ, Heloise, Emily and Max visit us from Auckland university to share their vast knowledge on Space. We were treated to a slideshow of many interesting facts and figures about the solar system and then JJ arranged for some children to take up the positions of planets around the sun. He showed us how the dwarf planets, Ceres, and Pluto fitted into the picture.

After the general talk in the PAC room we returned to our classes and each of the astrophysicists joined us in our classrooms to answer our many questions. JJ came to our class and he explained much more of what we were wanting to know. We were so fortunate to have such special visitors at our school.

Sunday 21 June 2020

Kelly Sports - Third Week

We focused on jumping this week, starting with a game called "What's the Time, Mr Wolf?". Instead of running, we needed to take big jumps. Cameron, our coach, demonstrated how much further one can jump if you use your arms to 'swing and spring'. We did a long jump relay to practice this and then we played "Paper, Scissors, Rock" again but this time we had to jump on to circles along the way. 

Sunday 14 June 2020

Kelly Sports - Second week

Our wonderful coach gave us two new balancing activities to do as well as some running games. We each had a bean bag that we balanced on our heads while walking around. If the beanbag fell to the ground we needed to wait until a classmate picked it up for us. We also tried balancing them on various parts of our bodies. After that we lined up into groups and played a "Paper, Scissors, Rock" game where we had to balance on one line.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Kelly Sports

We are so fortunate to be having lessons with Cameron from Kelly Sports over the next four weeks. He will be teaching us balancing, jumping and running skills and giving us lots of fun activities to do. Today we learned how to balance on one foot by using a focus point. When we focused our eyes on an object, we managed to stay much more balanced! We also played a "Whistle Freeze" game where we ran towards Cam. When he blew his whistle, we needed to freeze.

Monday 1 June 2020

Bot, the Scientist

Today Bot demonstrated how to mix the primary colours into secondary colours. He had three plastic cups and each had red, blue and yellow food colouring in them. The first thing he did was to pour a little bit of red liquid into a clean wine glass and then he added some blue coloured water with the red. Those two colours turned purple. Next, he mixed yellow and red coloured water together in another wine glass. That turned orange straight away. The last two colours that he mixed together in another wine glass were blue and yellow. Yes, those two turned green.

Well done to Bot for showing us such a clever way to discover colour mixing.

When we were finished, Austin suggested we find out what colour we would get if we mixed all the colours together. He then took a little of all the six colours and mixed them together. We were surprised to notice that the colour was a greyish, bluish, greenish tinge.

Our Room 6 and 5 Assembly

We are unable to gather for large assemblies under Alert Level 2 so our two classes decided to have a mini assembly or hui, as it is called in Maori.

The wonderful Amber and Daniel were fabulous presenters and we enjoyed a variety of items. Room 6 shared some poems they wrote about the coronavirus and they told us about the magic potions they had made. Our class showed our paper plate art and then Lennox read his story about our new classroom pets.

We then watched a few video clips that the children in our class had taken of their online learning. This was a great time of sharing - well done, everyone!