Wednesday 31 March 2021

Easter Bunny Arrives at PVS

How exciting that it is almost Easter! Instead of having a treasure hunt which had to be cancelled because of the rain, the children were treated to a chocolate surprise from out of the Easter Bunny's bags. 

Games with Room 9

Instead of being able to go out and have our tabloid sports on the field because of the dark skies and imminent rain forecast, it was decided to hold some of those games in the hall. We were allocated a slot with our Room 5 PE class and enjoyed keeping objects aloft on the parachute, followed by an obstacle course, a bean bag throwing game and some noodle hockey. Everyone got a turn at doing all of these and it was a great treat.

Friday 26 March 2021

eLearning with our Buddy Class

We got together with our buddies again today and they helped us with our Google Docs. Enjoy looking at what we did together.

Friday 19 March 2021

Orienteering with our Buddy Class

We thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to the idea of orienteering by our buddies. Each of them had a map with six stations that we needed to find on a map. Once we got there, we needed to stamp our paper to show that we had been there. We got lots of exercise running out and about in the sunshine and it was so good being with our lovely, sensible and kind buddies!