Thursday, 27 June 2024

Matariki Kites and Note Taking

To celebrate Matariki, we make kites and decorated them with kowhaiwhai patterns. Then we took them outdoors and enjoyed running with them to see how they flew. We also practised learning how to make notes while viewing a video about Matariki. Look at how well we managed to do that.

Monday, 24 June 2024

The Reluctant Dragon

What a special treat it was having a show in the hall for everyone this morning! Three wonderful actors from The NZ Playhouse came to perform for us. They were so entertaining and we really enjoyed the story of the gentle dragon who makes friends with Sam and becomes a friend of all the townsfolk. With lots of action, songs and different characters, it kept everyone spellbound.

Friday, 21 June 2024

Our Junior Assembly

Well done to everyone for so bravely presenting our item about the ANZAC wreaths we made. Each child memorised a fact about ANZAC Day and shared it with the audience. They held up the special poppy wreaths they had made and recited a short poem as well. Tio Pai, Ruma Rima Tamariki.

Making Kites

We made kites to celebrate Matariki using paper and string. Our kites had koru and other kowhaiwhai patterns on them. Even though they didn't quite fly, we enjoyed running with them and seeing them follow.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Drama with Mrs Oldham

Mrs Oldham kept everyone fully involved in doing all
drama by giving children a day of fantasy and fun. They used their Super Bears to solve problems, to work together in teams and to take different roles. There were creative crafts, imaginative games and opportunities to shine as actors and actresses. Mrs Oldham was very impressed and everyone agreed it was a fantastic day of Drama.

Monday, 10 June 2024


Our class and Room 4 have really been so active these past six weeks. We have been developing our skipping skills. Many of us hadn't given skipping a go before and we needed to start right from the beginning, working out how to hold and turn a rope. With our usual keen bean attitude, all of us got started and began turning our ropes as we walked along, stepping over them. Some of us probably thought we would never get the hang of it, but by constantly trying and never giving up, our perseverance has paid off! We are all so much better and some of us are skipping along merrily while others are doing amazing well at getting that rope to move as we want it to! Skipping is a wonderful activity and soon we will all be professionals!