Monday 10 June 2024

Visiting the Hive in Winter

We have been watching the Hive from our clasroom windows and have enjoyed seeing the two nectarine trees, Neccie and Terrine, slowly transform their bright green leaves into rich autumn shades of yelow, gold, red and orange. However when we took a walk through the hive, we were astounded to see how much they had altered! They are totally bare! All we could see were their branches pointing in different directions upwards looking like lots of skinny, bony fingers. We also looked at Mandy, the evergreen mandarin tree which still has many of her orange fruit. Mandy is smaller and rounder like a large green and orange balloon. We noticed the very large flax plants that grown next to the fence with their pointy dark green leaves. There were many other plants and only a few flowers. This must be because it is winter and they are taking a rest!

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