Saturday 23 February 2019

Our Buddy Class - Room 25

Hooray! We met our buddy class today. They are a Year 5 class and Miss Kluit is their teacher. Sometimes Mrs Rhodes teaches in Room 5 as well. Today we were paired up with a special "Tuakana" who will be there to partner up with us each time we get together on Fridays. We introduced ourselves to each other and then we did some reading together.

Here are our special Buddy Readers -
Room 25
Kayla is with Anya and Amy
Anas is with Anam
Tia is with Germian
Lucas is with Lucas and Kobe-Lewis
Grace is with Amber and Valerie
Eugene is with Mel
Indi is with Jasneet
Nicole is with Raeya
Zoe is with Mia
Victoria is with Haeni, Bella is with Roxana and Sary
Harvey is with Chenti
Divit is with Hamaz (away at present) Vincent will be with Yash
Agam is with Jai
Kaio is with Sophia
Iris is with Taylor and Tiffany
Katherine is with Mia and Renee
Yiran is with her sister, Yilin!
Ceeza is with Bosco and Jacob
Mason is with Dean

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